Пресса о нас / Ил-2 Штурмовик: Великие сражения

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Двухчасовое интервью Дмитрия "Goblin" Пучкова с продюсером проекта Ил-2 Штурмовик Альбертом Жильцовым и руководителем разработки Даниилом Тусеевым.
Полностью обновлённый, соответствующий мощностям современных компьютеров "Штурмовик" — результат многолетней работы 1С Game Studios, а купить его можно начиная с ноября 2014 года. Игра полностью посвящена Сталинградской битве — скрупулёзно воссоздан квадрат местности 358 на 230 км с городом, где кипит сражение, Волгой и окрестностями, а над всем этим разворачиваются воздушные бои с участием игроков. Получилось настолько здорово, что уже анонсировано дополнение — Битва за Москву, с картой подступов к столице и другим набором самолётов.
These epic sky battles run beautifully on my gaming rig, and that’s saying something considering just how beautiful this game is. Each aircraft is modelled right down to the rivet, and advanced lighting effects make the snowy environments look especially stunning at dusk and dawn. Given 777 Studio’s past reputation, I’ve got high hopes for the future of IL2: Battle of Stalingrad.
Sotalentosimulaattorien taivailla on ollut hiljaista useamman vuoden ajan. Nyt kauppoihin on kuitenkin saapunut kaksi uutta ja vakuuttavaa lentosimulaattoria
IL-2 Sturmovik -sarja on kuin lentosimulaattorien historia ytimilleen tiivistettynä. Siinä on nousuja ja laskuja. Suurmenestyksiä ja onneton mahalasku. Nyt virtuaalisotalentäjillä on kuitenkin taas toivoa, sillä Battle of Stalingrad on hieno peli. Simu, jota kelpaa lentää.
Simulaattorin kehitys aloitettiin lähes nollapisteestä, tarkasti rajatuilla päämäärillä. Tärkeintä oli saada aikaan lentosimulaattori, joka on paitsi laadukas, näyttävä ja teknisesti moderni. Sen lisäksi simulaattorille sälytettiin vielä suurempi tavoite: sen pitäisi nostaa koko sotalentosimulaattorien genre uuteen kukoistukseen ja tarjota helposti omaksuttavia ilmailuelämyksiä myös aloittelijoille ja sunnuntailentäjille, eikä vain kokeneille virtuaalilentäjä-ässille.
Не каждый день выходят проекты с такой глубиной проработки. Детально воспроизведенная кабина, реалистичная физическая модель и модель повреждений — игра делает все, чтобы понравиться серьезному вирпилу. Новичкам, конечно, будет сложно осваивать эту игру, и многие бросят ее уже на первых миссиях, но тем, кто во главу угла ставит реализм,
The level of detail in the cockpits provides a tremendous immersion factor for IL2-Battle of Stalingrad. Besides all of the dials functioning—and there can be a lot of those—levers and buttons animate as well. At times, you feel like the plane is working as an actual machine, as you see every moving part inside and outside the cockpit. This can be a daunting task when you are in combat since you have to make sure you don’t blow your engine while the enemy is trying to blow up your plane. Managing your plane while downing an enemy can be a more exhilarating accomplishment than it is when playing in an arcade dogfight.
Вышедший осенью «Ил-2 Штурмовик: Битва за Сталинград» исправляет эту несправедливость: играть стало легче, играть стало веселее. Сценарий позволяет в любой момент выбрать другое задание, другой самолет и даже другую страну — на случай, если кого-то заинтересует уютная немецкая техника. При этом игра остается максимально достоверной и ответственной — в отношении и истории, и инженерии, и аэродинамики. Настоящая документалистика для тех, кто ценит.
IL-2 Sturmovik is popular worldwide it is hard to escape the sense that its popularity is in part due to its lack of overt political ideology; the first game focuses on the Eastern Front, true, but pilots may select any plane for missions. This is more a love letter to military aeroplanes than a political statement, unlike the next game on this list.
Dopo la succulenta anteprima di IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad di qualche settimana fa, è ora di tornare alle simulazioni di volo per la recensione del gioco di 1C Game Studios che riporta il glorioso monomotore sovietico sui nostri schermi in questo titolo dedicato alla guerra aerea sul fronte russo. Al termine di un lungo periodo di sviluppo, che ha visto la beta pubblica seguire a un corposo periodo di alpha, abbiamo infatti messo le mani sulla versione completa disponibile su Steam...
The enduring appeal of video games is that they let you pretend to be someone you’re not. Roman emperor, Renaissance assassin and space marine are all standard-issue jobs for gamers. Not only that, most games sex up their subject matter, Michael Bay-style, with relentless, meaningless action and unnecessary explosions. Yet, despite all the high-octane thrills offered by much of the medium, a growing number of players are opting for a less fanciful form of escapism.
Over ten years ago, a PC flight simulator arrived that raised the bar for WW2 combat sims - the now iconic Il-2 Sturmovik, which spawned official add-on packs, third-party mods, paint schemes and, in 2011, a flawed gem of a sequel - 'Il-2 Cliffs of Dover’. Now rebooted by the makers of WW1 sim 'Rise of Flight', can the latest entry in this combat flight sim series live up to the Il-2 name? - See more at: http://aerosociety.com/News/Insight-Blog/2578/REVIEW-IL2-Sturmovik-Battle-of-Stalingrad#sthash.LD2UNJKn.dpuf
This week marks a new entry to the franchise: IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad, having officially left the wild woods of the Steam Early Access program. “We’ve been persistent on our way to the dream, we started as players and turned into makers. The very game release proves that tenacious dreamers can accomplish their goals,” the Steam announcement says.
Muffled sub-machinegunners scurrying like rats through ruined factories and spooky sewers, sly snipers slinging high-velocity valedictions across wastelands of rubble and snow, unpainted T-34s trundling from production lines straight into the maelstrom of battle... chances are, when you think about the fivemonth scrap for Stalingrad, you think about the war that raged in the city, not the one that raged above it. 777 and 1C want to add a little altitude to our associations.
f you're into combat flight simulation games, you've probably heard of the IL-2 Sturmovik series. The original title and its expansions were some of the more hardcore flight sims around. They were also designed to make their gameplay approach as realistic as possible. The upcoming IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad marks the most recent entry into the series, and it runs on an updated engine from a previous game, Rise of Flight. This makes for considerable eye candy, but more importantly, it also allows for some of the most nuanced control that the series has had to date.
Per quel che concerne il volo, la serie IL-2 Sturmovik del publisher russo 1C Company non ha assolutamente bisogno di presentazioni, trattandosi di una delle saghe più rigorose e fedeli dedicate ad aerei e battaglie della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, al di là dell'episodio Wings of Prey (IL 2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey su console) che ha virato maggiormente sull'accessibilità.
A régi motorosok bizonyára emlékeznek a 2001-ben kiadott IL-2 Sturmovik nevű repülőgép-szimulátorra, amely bizony sokunkat joystickrángatásra késztett az akkor lenyűgözőnek számító grafika és az élethű repülési modell. A játékot a C1: Maddox Games rakta össze, és elmondhatjuk, hogy kiváló munkát végeztek. A folytatást már egy másik csapat, a 777 Studios készíti, akiknek a 2009-es Rise of Flight-ot köszönhetjük, így kíváncsiak lettünk, hogy vajon mi sül ki a dologból.
This new simulator mix the huge experience of WW2 flight simulators of 1C with the quality and acknowledge of 777 with their Rise of Flight engine. It’s better to think it more like an improved Rise of Flight in the WW2 theme than as another Il-2 simulator.
Denne udgave af det nye IL-2 handler om Stalingrad og det er på en måde som at være vidne til skabelsen af smuk sonnet: det er indenfor begrænsningen, når der er rammer, at man skaber noget der er holdbart, som er smukt og som giver mening. Det kan allerede nu mærkes at det stramme fokus på Stalingrad giver IL-2-teamet chancen for at gøre deres nye flysimulator til en historisk oplevelse med alt hvad det indebærer af drama og følelser. Stalingrad var en ikonisk tragedie og det er helt sikkert, at en af ambitionerne med det nye IL-2, udover at lave en særdeles kompetent flysimulator, er at tegne historiens drama med bred pensel. Og det kommer til at lykkes. Når man letter fra en interimistisk, sneklædt lufthavn der er stampet ud på den russiske slette en tidlig december morgen i 1942 og et brændende Stalingrad kommer til syne i horisonten, ja, så føles krigen lidt tættere på end den plejer at gøre i de ellers ret kliniske flysimulatorer vi normalt ser.
Battle of Stalingrad models every stick, knob, button, panel, and gauge from ten different aircraft that flew over the eponymous city from 1942 to 1943. Their commitment to accuracy is so great that if it was never used in that theater, it isn't to be found here. The lines of battle change accordingly, month after month, and each mission mirrors what actions would have been taken by the Russians at that time. The developers even consulted with real pilots to make sure everything handled correctly, including a 90-year old combat veteran who flew in the Battle of Stalingrad himself when he was only 17. The development team went to great lengths to make sure that flying in IL-2 is as close to being in the cockpit as possible.
The first thing I noticed about this team and this game is the insane level of detail and, yes, love they put into these games. It’s not just the latest sequel in a blockbuster franchise that needs to be pushed out to meet the yearly deadline. For them, it is a way of life, and a deep abiding passion. Many of these guys actually went up in the aircraft modeled in this game to get a genuine feel for how the plane moves and feels. They even worked with pilots to see what could be improved and made more realistic.
В нашумевшем рекламном клипе, где Дэвид Духовны объясняет русским, что им есть чем гордиться, возможно, не хватает еще одной сцены: главный герой сидит за огромным монитором, в руках у него джойстик, а на экране — кабина самолета времен Второй мировой, пикирующего на колонну вражеских танков. Действительно, уже долгие годы Россия практически в одиночку развивает жанр серьезных авиасимуляторов, который не очень популярен среди широкой публики, но зато имеет небольшую, но крайне преданную аудиторию фанатов. Благодарить за такое положение дел во многом стоит компанию «1С», которая с 2001 года разрабатывает серию «Ил-2», ставшую легендарной во всем мире.
Laura en Calvin zoeken het luchtruim op en reizen af naar de televisietoren van Praag om de twee vlieggames IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad en Ilya Muromets aan de tand te voelen. Ready for take-off! We gingen in Praag ook opzoek naar gamers én Pikachu, of dat gelukt is kun je hier bekijken!
Le prime impressioni di IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle for Stalingrad sono quindi molto incoraggianti. In passato difficilmente si sono visti titoli in grado di coniugare una tale accuratezza nella riproduzione del modello di volo e nelle capacità di combattimento di una manciata di velivoli della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Questo progetto pare avere tutte le carte in regola per soddisfare una nicchia di appassionati ristretta al punto da essere forse commercialmente insignificante, ma fondamentale per tenere accesa la fiamma della simulazione di volo su PC in attesa di tempi migliori che, grazie anche al successo di Steam, potrebbero non essere così lontani.
For such involving flight sims, the IL-2 series has always managed to strike a welcomed balance between hardcore and casual in its approach. Since inception, both admirals of the skies and airbound newbs have been able to access and enjoy each series entry’s complex ballistics systems, advanced physics models, and painstakingly accurate depictions of cockpits and their control systems with relative ease.
Компания «1С» привлекла к разработке симулятора «Ил-2: Битва за Сталинград» одного из ветеранов Второй мировой — 91-летнего летчика Степана Анастасовича Микояна. Степан Анастасович — один из последних ветеранов, который видел живьем Сталинградскую битву. В «1С» отмечают, что летчик-ветеран сделал немало ценных замечаний, которые помогли улучшить управление самолетами в игре. А вот что серьезно удивило Степана Анастасовича — так это вид от третьего лица. Десятки лет (после войны Микоян стал известным летчиком-испытателем) он управлял самолетом из кабины, поэтому с интересом изучал, как выглядит полет машины «снаружи».
1C has been holding a torch for flight sims for over a decade, all the way back to IL-2 Sturmovik in 2001. The new game is built on a grand scale, a 48,000-square mile recreation of Stalingrad and its surrounding area, right at the moment the Nazis took the city, and almost destroyed it. The Soviets regrouped and spent months fighting back, in some of the most brutal and desperate combat of the war. Mikoyan recently visited 1C's offices to look at the game and take a virtual flight. He approved of the aircraft's lovingly recreated detail, including in-cockpit controls and shafts. But this is still a game, and he found the switch to a third-person camera somewhat disconcerting.
На минувшей неделе в Праге в рамках международной пресс-конференции, организованной компанией «1С-СофтКлаб», были показаны два многообещающих авиационных симулятора времен Первой и Второй мировых войн. Мы побывали на этом мероприятии и пришли к выводу, что, кажется, у нас вновь появляются достойные авиасимы.
Gli amanti dei simulatori di volo conoscono alla perfezione i nomi di Il-2 Sturmovik e Rise of Flight, campioni di un genere di nicchia che nel tempo sono riusciti a ritagliarsi una ricchissima fetta di appassionati fedeli, assi dei cieli virtuali in cerca di una sfida complessa da padroneggiare ma appagante come poche altre. Il brivido del volo Il publisher ceco 1C Company si preparare a lanciare nei prossimi mesi due titoli che faranno la gioia di quella fedele fan base: Il-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad e Ilya Muromets continuano quella tradizione, provando contemporaneamente a portarla su un nuovo livello di profondità, dettaglio storico ma anche accessibilità. Una parola, quest'ultima, che quando si parla di simulazioni rischia di far rabbrividire i giocatori più intransigenti ma che nel mercato di oggi, con i costi di oggi, deve necessariamente essere presa in seria considerazione.
L'uomo non è fatto per volare. Corre degnamente, ha una certa tendenza ad arrampicarsi su tutto, nuota discretamente ed è bravissimo a cadere, ma quando si tratta di spiccare il volo madre natura non ci ha regalato né ali né comodi reattori naturali (e no, “quel reattore” non vale, nemmeno dopo una poderosa fagiolata). Si tratta però di una creatura bravissima ad imitare ciò che lo circonda, quindi durante la sua longeva esistenza ha osservato uccellacci e creature svolazzanti di ogni tipo, e ha pensato bene un giorno di dire: “hey, io potrei costruire una versione enorme di uno di quei cosi, e guidarlo”. Solo un piccolo problema, gli aeroplani spuntati da questa brillante intuizione non sono solo complicati da costruire, ma è anche difficile pilotarli.
Halldor caught up with IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad chief producer Albert Zhiltsov at Prague n' Play to learn more about the game the developers call the best flight sim ever. Zhiltsov went into his background as a mere player of the first IL-2 Sturmovik as he emphasised the importance of catering to the hardcore audience.
Fondata nel 1991, 1C Company è una delle più grandi aziende di sviluppo e publishing di videogame in Russia, molto conosciuta anche in europa grazie alle molte simulazioni di volo, tra cui la fortunata serie Sturmovik. Impiega oltre 850 persone, e prima di dedicarsi ai videogiochi sviluppava piattaforme gestionali per le aziende. Oggi è una realtà molto importante per chiunque si interessi di simulazione di volo ad alti livelli, al punto da tenere una propria convention annuale dedicata alla stampa, solitamente occasione perfetta per offrire prove dirette ed eventuali nuovi annunci. Siamo così volati verso il Prague'n'Play 2014, dove nella suggestiva cornice della Torre della Televisione Zizkov (brutta come la fame, ma alta 216 metri e provvista di un panorama mozzafiato) abbiamo avuto modo di provare IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad e Ilya Muromets: Igor Sikorski, due simulatori adatti agli appassionati di realismo più assoluto e dogfight senza facilitazioni tecnologiche.
Die Präsentation stellt Anatoly Subbotin, den PR-Mann der 1C Game Studios, vor keine leichte Aufgabe. Während seine Kollegen bei ähnlichen Veranstaltungen die Geschichte um das Spiel mit bombastischen Trailern und spektakulären Zwischensequenzen in Szene setzen, muss Subbotin der anwesenden Presse eine zumindest an der Oberfläche doch sehr trockene Simulation präsentieren. Keine Zwischensequenzen nach den Missionen, keine emotionalen Briefings und die Piloten bleiben namenlos. Die Stars des Spiels sind die extrem detailgetreuen Flugmaschinen des Zweiten Weltkriegs.
IL-2 Sturmovik blew me away at Gamescom last year. With only a couple of weeks until I fly out to Cologne again, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of another unexpected champion of gaming emerging from a cloudbank and peppering me with excitement. A year has passed since I took to the skies and development has continued at a steady rate. New planes are appearing and the modelling of existing ones is improving, but it’s the dynamic campaign I’m most excited to see. Glorious great maps. Two new videos below.
Mentre l'aereo scende di quota bucando la coltre di nuvole che sovrasta la Repubblica Ceca, mi domando cosa m'abbia spinto a rimettermi su un aereo a pochi giorni dal mio ritorno dalle ferie. A maggior ragione considerando che mi sono dovuto alzare alle 5.10 del mattino e che il signore seduto al mio fianco pare non vedere una doccia da almeno una settimana.
Na plus na pewno waży duża ilość osób, które są w stanie przewinąć się przez takie międzynarodowe targi (np. E3), szerszy PR i zaistnienie na takiej imprezie, na minus - niestety to co było podane wyżej. Symulator, nawet najlepszy, może zniknąć pomiędzy kolejnymi odsłonami gier typu FPS, czy innymi tytułami bardziej przeznaczonymi ogólnie dla mas. Co jednak, jeśli byłoby to osobne, dedykowane spotkanie i prezentacja tytułu, która ma na celu wypromować i spopularyzować temat związany z symulatorem lotu? To już zupełnie inna "baja"... Z takim założeniem wyszły właśnie dwie firmy 1С Publishing oraz 1C Game Studios organizując imprezę w Pradze pod tytułem Prague-n-play. Oczywiście, skoro mowa o firmie 1CGS, to już wiadomo o czym będzie mowa - głownie o ich obecnie "sztandarowym" tytule IL-2 Sturmovik "Battle of Stalingrad", ale nie tylko. Marketingowe koło zamachowe ze znanym u nas symulatorem pod nazwą IL-2 BoS rozkręca się coraz bardziej, ponieważ oficjalna premiera tytułu już we wrześniu. Czasu pozostało zatem niewiele, a wciąż przecież nie każdy wie co to za seria IL-2 Sturmovik.
Flying is not easy. Despite the existence of the term “auto-pilot” and arcade-style titles like Ace Combat that purport to teach you dogfighting over the course of a ten-minute tutorial, it takes a lot of training and time in the air to properly pilot a plane, let alone engage in air-based attacks. While IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad is still approachable to folks who have yet to unbox their first flightstick, it should have plenty to offer for veterans of air combat. Particularly, AI opponents smart enough to pilot a drone.
A cursory glance would suggest that flight sims are on the upswing along with other formally "dead" genres; but upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that most like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen are grounded in sci-fi, making them little more than arcade games in the eyes of most serious flight sim enthusiasts. IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad, by contrast, is a serious-minded World War II flight simulator designed to woo the sorts of fans who will notice when a gauge in the cockpit is out of place, making it a rarity in this day and age.
Battle of Stalingrad has followed a much more open, and much humbler, course of development. 1C have tried to maximize their transparency with the game and explained their thinking at each stage of the project. It’s a far cry from the black-box development that was Cliffs of Dover, with its ever-growing list of promises to a faithful fan base. “Last November we opened Early Access after just 6 months of development,” Zhiltsov said. “So we don’t describe... the amazing project we plan to do. We just try to show progress.”
Think you’re rather familiar with warplanes? I’ve had my fair shake at the likes of War Thunder and World of Warplanes as of late, and felt pretty confident in my aerial skills when the invite arrived to test out a true multiplayer flight simulator heading inbound for a summer 2014 arrival. Boy was I in over my head. See even the mention that either previous title is considered a ‘flight simulator’ is enough to get an audible scoff out of the blokes at 777 Studios and 1C Games Studios. They’re no novices to flight simulators. Their title, Rise of Flight, is even recognized by some pretty prominent game reviewing entities as one of the top 100 games of all time.
IL-2 returns to the skies, recreating Stalingrad and the surrounding countryside on a massive scale.
1C Game Studios ha invitado a Vandal a una sesión especial organizada en Los Ángeles para ver las últimas novedades de "IL-2: Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad". Esta nueva entrega de la saga fue anunciada en diciembre de 2012 y aunque su lanzamiento está previsto para este mes de septiembre, algunos seguidores que se han hecho con el pack "Premium Edition" han tenido la oportunidad de jugar a su beta desde el pasado mes de noviembre.
At a time when the phrase “flying game” invokes images of irritated birds, you might think you’d see a new ultra-realistic flight simulator when pigs fly. Well, get ready for aerial bacon come September, because that’s when 1C Game Studio will be releasing IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle Of Stalingrad, a realistic World War II flight simulator for the PC. And while it won’t have any annoyed fowl, 1C’s Anatoly Subbotin and 777 Studio’s Jason V. Williams do say this latest installment in the IL-2 Sturmovik series might appeal to more than just wannabe pilots.
IL2 Sturmovik Battle Of Stalingrad Preview Interview
This week publisher 1C Game Studios and developer 777 Studios came to San Francisco to show off their joint project Il-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad and to share their plan for using it to create new flight enthusiasts. From what I saw, their argument is fairly convincing. For one thing, their enthusiasm is infectious, no surprise since ten years ago, many of the current publishers and developers on the game were simply Il-2 Sturmovik fanatics. As Executive Producer Jason Williams joked, Battle of Stalingrad is being made by “fanboys who took over.” What that translates to is some of the most skilled and passionate Il-2 Sturmovik players turning their obsession into a full-time job; a fact that can only bode well for the company's latest game.
1C Studios has learned how to make the smaller, historically accurate games pay off too. At a time when other flight sim studios were shutting down, 1C made IL-2 Sturmovik, a combat flight simulator based on the Russian bomber from World War II, in 2001. It created other titles in 2005 and 2011. When it came time to reboot the franchise, it turned to 777 Studios, which had previously made Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War, about World War I flying.
Albert Zhiltcov and Jason Williams show off a demo and explain just how real their IL-2 flight simulator is - on the GameSpot Lobby show
Недавно мы побывали в гостях у «1C Game Studios» — студии, занимающейся возрождением и продолжением игры, в свое время широко признанной не только в странах СНГ, но и за рубежом. Про игру нам рассказал (и показал) лично продюсер проекта Альберт Жильцов. Итак, серия «Ил-2» всегда отличалась двумя особенностями: во-первых, это высокий уровень реализма абсолютно во всем, начиная с модели поведения аэроплана и заканчивая исторической достоверностью той или иной модификации, во-вторых, там была атмосфера, позволяющая погрузиться в эпоху Второй мировой войны со всеми вытекающими из этого последствиями.
Сегодня мы приступаем к разбору ранней альфа-версии авиасимулятора «Ил-2 Штурмовик: Битва за Сталинград». Сразу предупредим, что перед вами не обычный обзор игры. Это скорее обзор-интервью, сделанный при участии генерального продюсера 1C Game Studios Альберта Жильцова, известного среди фанатов авиасимов под ником LOFT. Он интересен не только как свидетель и непосредственный участник многих событий, связанных с историей «Ил-2 Штурмовик», но и как человек, прошедший долгий путь от рядового фаната авиасимуляторов до поста руководителя студии. Поэтому в этой статье мы будем рассказывать не только о самой игре, но и о том, что за ней стоит, о развитии серии и всего жанра авиасимов.
«An IL-2 sequel without excellent multiplayer facilities would be like a Stuka without a dive siren or an ‘Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here’ canopy sticker. Well aware of this, the devs are promising dedicated servers with 100-player capability, optional global stat tracking, and bomber sharing. If Rise of Flight is any guide, they’ll deliver on these and their other promises, and IL-2: Battle of Stalingrad will prove to be one of the simulation highlights of 2014. If you have any interest in accurately modelled WWII aviation or simply want to find out what happens when an 11ft propellor spinning at 1300rpm strikes a swastika-daubed tail, set aside £32 for wintry recon»...
«To be a passenger, flying over Stalingrad, is perhaps the most peaceful experience I’ve ever experienced in a game. There was no combat – presumably because the game is still in the early stages of development – just the scenery and the plane. The instruments are right there, close enough to touch. The stick moves in synch with the pilot’s instructions and the glass coverings over dials and read-outs catch the sun as we turn, tipping a wing toward the sky. I look up and to the right, following the line of the wing as it touches a cloud. The clouds are three dimensional shapes – they’re probably volumetric, but I don’t really know what that means – and the metal makes a vague impression on the shape as it passes through. It’s extraordinary to see. It would be even if it were on a screen but on the Rift, where it seems like a physical thing in close proximity, it’s awe-inspiring»...
«The level of detail present stunned me. The aircraft were just plain pretty to look at, featuring amazing goodies like reflective surfaces accurately depicting the material (metal reflected light, canvas or wood did not). Snowfields were deep and textured, giving a true sense of what the brutal Russian winter must have been like for ground troops. Snow actually packed in treads and tires of ground vehicles. This seems unheard of in a FLIGHT SIM. Pilots looked more realistic than ever, and the physics engine in use was impressive. Albert “Loft” Zhiltcov demonstrated collapsing struts on a “heavy” craft, and crashes featured amazing damage modelling and destruction rather than the standard fireball and explosion one normally sees when hitting the ground in a sim. Stalingrad is the best flight sim city I’ve ever seen. Individual buildings were modeled with enormous detail, and the map is simply enormous. All of this was possible without drops in framerate, which is a grand achievement»...
«Among other things, it's gorgeous, even when the ground consists of nothing but an endless snowscape dotted with the occasional house. 1C says they're building Sturmovik for the best computers on the market, and I believe it. This is also a developer that has been building strong flight sims for a while now, and I see no reason to expect that Battle of Stalingrad will break that mold.

If 1C follows through on their ambitions, then Sturmovik will once again be one of the best World War II flight sims on the market. I have faith that they can pull it off. I just hope that one day I get to be a good enough pilot to really enjoy it»...
«During the time I got to spend with them, it was very clear that the devs are passionate about making a game that is fun to fly, has authentic physics, and also looks great, not to mention delivering it on a timely schedule. The fact that they’re opening up their product to an early access period means they’re interested in hearing the opinions of the community and getting feedback on their effort, usually a good sign. Sun Tzu said that no battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy, and the Battle of Stalingrad schedule may get perturbed one way or the other during the chaos of development, but the progress that they’ve made in just the past seven months is pretty convincing that they’re serious about delivering a good product»...